Diamonds are a girl's best friend... for those who don't own a pup. Meet Tofu, a 2-year old American Eskimo that my boyfriend and I adopted from the Arlington Animal Shelter last year.
2 weeks prior to adopting this precious fur baby, my rambunctious yet lovable chihuahua, Brownie was killed by a nonchalant driver just a block from my house. I blame no one but myself for his death, he was not trained properly and was often disobedient. He bolted outside every time a chance presented itself and I would run after him frantically, hoping that I'd get to him before a car. That day was no different, except I was not home. After 4 hours of searching, I prepared myself for the worst possible outcome - the one every pet owner cringes at when thought about.
As I was driving away on the main street later that night, I saw a glimpse of this feeble bloody carcass looming near the white lane divider... and at that moment, I knew exactly what it was. It only took 1 second for my mind to process and go blank. Not only was I drowning in my own tears, I had this overwhelming guilty conscience that I let this happen. I told myself that I would never own a dog again for the risk of losing him is one that is heart breaking and unbearable.
2 weeks later, I was browsing through some adoption sites and found this white adorable beast. I knew immediately that I had to have him! I couldn't let this poor pup stay in that cubicle any longer. With the help of my close friend, Winni & her boyfriend, we drove there to adopt him. I even called ahead to make sure the website information was up to date - in case you're wondering, they update the website every hour! There were 3-4 rows of shelters that look like the one in the picture. I started from the right and worked my way left. It was a busy day at the shelter and I was afraid that someone had adopted him from the time I called to the time we parked. Fortunately, he still in that little corner, dwelling aimlessly - waiting for me. Shy and polite, we casually exchanged greetings in our own way for 5 minutes then I was on my way to sign adoption papers. My mind was racing - from buying dog food to finding a suitable kennel, I haven't been this excited since Brownie passed away.
Within a couple months, Tofu had learned several basic tricks and was on his way to being potty trained. He was a passionate lover of all things bacon flavored and successfully barters with obedience being his currency. To say that he was an intelligence canine was an understatement - classical conditioning has never worked so well.
I realize that I would rather have 15-some years of happiness with this potent endorphin analog than keep my heart closed and locked away. I believe that my character has grown for the better from this experience. I also learn to appreciate what I have more and more. This is a cliche - no doubt. But it is s o o o true. You want what you don't have or can't have. Once you have it, the appeal and challenge disappears - you lose interest. This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely while you search for this thing called happiness. I think that too often, people like you and me get caught up in the intricacies of life and that we don't appreciate and don't enjoy the small things in life anymore. This is not to say stop dreaming. I am chasing after my dream and I believe that having a dream in itself defines the next steps of life. However, moderation and balance is key to staying afloat.
Food for thought, until next time:
Why do we want to squeeze cute things?
:) dogs are definitely better than diamonds :D (except maybe when you're trying to get married...)